Community Resources
Support Options Solutions
For Keeping Animals Out of Shelters
NOTE FOR MARICOPA COUNTY: This Directory focuses on resources available in Pima County and includes some National Resources as well. But note, Maricopa County Animal Care & Control offers shelter diversion programs including assistance in urgent temporary placements and/or boarding and funds medications. Check that out here.
This directory showcases resources available for or in our community. No Kill Pima County does not endorse or make any claims or warranties regarding the quality, function, or any other property of the products / services listed in the directory. Please do independent research before making a final decision to purchase or use a product / service found in this directory.
Whether an owned pet or a stray,
taking an animal to a shelter should always be a last resort,
reserved for pets with NO OTHER OPTIONS.
The Directory is updated REGULARLY! Feel free to send corrections, updates or offer more resources: click here.
To talk to No Kill Pima County about local resources or request financial assistance call us at 520-477-7401 or email
To talk to Pima Animal Care Center about resources contact PACC’s Pet Support Center for information and an application link.
Free and Low Cost Resources
Pet Food Assistance Programas de asistencia para alimentos de mascotas
Vaccines, Clinics and Dental Vacunas y Cuidados Dental
Free and Low Cost Spay/Neuter Recursos Comunitarios Para Esterilización
Local training classes, websites and behavior help lines where you can talk or write to a trainer, free online training videos, links to material on typical training/behavior issues.
Pet friendly Housing Options
Apartments, houses, retirement/assisted living options and bully breed insurance. Sort apartment listing by number of pets allowed, weight limits, breed restrictions, fees and more.
Financial Assistance, Pet Insurance and Fundraising
Local and National Resources for veterinary financial assistance, zero interest credit options, insurance and tips for fundraising yourself.
Emergency or Temporary Housing
Options for victims of domestic violence, deployed military, disaster, foreclosure, and options for boarding/pet sitters.
Guidelines for responsibly rehoming your pet.
Planning For Your Pets When You Cannot Take Care of Them
Guidelines for planning ahead to make sure your animals are cared for if for any reason you cannot care for them.
Steps to take before you consider the shelter.
Shelters are overcrowded with lost pets. Help your pet get home quickly.
Trap Neuter Return (the ONLY proven effective, long term solution for reducing feral cat populations),
IF you are considering or have already been trapping cats and taking them to Pima Animal Care Center, PLEASE consider the proven, effective method of Trap Neuter Return.
What to do (and Not Do) when you find newborn or infant kittens
Part I. Things to consider before deciding the babies need to be ‘saved’ and brought to a shelter.
Part II. Additional Resource Information including how to determine a kitten’s age and taming/socialization
How to Bottle-feed Newborn Kittens
Newborn kittens need feeding every few hours and cannot be cared for in our county shelter. YOU can help by taking care of them.
Seeking medical attention as soon as possible to prevent or minimize health conditions that you cannot handle is vital. This page provides guidelines for when to seek medical attention.